Saturday, April 6, 2013

Catching, get it together Amy!

So..... I am so far behind I am going to do several random "happenings" into one big post! We have rented out our house this year for the Master's tournament, what most people do in this city this time of year, and so I have been readying for that. OH MY! Pandora's Box! But now I will have a CLEAN, VERY CLEAN house when we return with fresh flowers planted and ready for spring and summer! Here goes.........


Decorating eggs

Celebrating Nana...with just 1 cousin this time :(

My Mom always sets the prettiest tables with lots of natural and interesting elements!

An Easter bonnet on an Easter cutie!


So glad the Wilson's made the trek from Michigan during spring break to visit us! We traveled with this family in 2007 to get Jaida. Nicole and Jaida are Ning Du buddies- they were in the same orphanage. These kids have grown SO MUCH! Such a fun afternoon!!!!!

Look at those cuties!

And the "Bigs", who picked up right where they left off!
 Such sweet relationships have been made on all of our journeys to China, a blessing we never could have anticipated!


Jaida won a ticket to the Green Jackets baseball game by reading the required amount of books. So proud of this little love! She is an amazing reader...and only in Kindergarten! She and Daddy had a special night at the ballpark which included a parade on the field of all the winners, ball park concessions, and time spent with her #1 man! Way to go Jaida!!!!


What you can't really see in this bad photo is the amount of accessories this little spitfire has on...rings on those cute little "nubbins" bracelets or ponytail holders posing as bracelets, necklaces, beads, and a ribbon purposefully placed and draped around her neck, Elton John-like glasses, and Dora earrings! Oh she cracks me up!

Here she is sporting the same Princess dress as above as we must ALWAYS have on a Princess dress these days, high heels-also a necessity, and a Happy Birthday crown. She was dancing like princesses do! Oh the joy of a lager-than-life 2 year old! Never a dull moment!!!!! :)

Ok, so now I think I have caught up! Off to clean some more. For those of you in the south, you know the lovely yellow pollen that befalls upon us this time of year and coats EVERYTHING outside in that golden/green dust....must go tackle that today....but first I will swallow and allergy pill!



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