Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Eagles

Ok so I am behind on my posting..... two weeks ago my sweet big girl went to Missouri with the Eagles basketball team, boys and girls. They made the 14 hour drive to the National Homeschool Basketball Tournament in Springfield MO for 6 days of fun. Oh how I wish I could have been there! Two of the girls' moms drove them in a 15 passenger van and became surrogate moms for the 6 days they were gone. Bless their sweet hearts! These girls are such an awesome group of girls and emotions were running hi...and low....over the days. Between winning, losing, saying goodbye to a teammate, and ending an amazing season, snowball fights and sled riding down hills on pizza boxes, yes they had a snow storm, and the camaraderie of the teams..... these brave moms cheered on the happiest of moments and soothed with hugs and pep talks on the low, teary moments for these teenaged vessels FILLED with emotions.

The girls ended the season with  4th place in the highest division, not too shabby for a 1st time appearance at the National tournament. The poor boys did not fair so well....but they had a good time!

Julia played extremely well and earned a spot on the All-American team! I REALLY hated not being there and cheering this first born of mine on. I did receive pictures and videos each game from the precious moms that did go! So proud of Julia! She plays with such heart and emotion, a trait I know will carry her far into life once her sporting days are over.

Beautiful girls inside and out!

Team huddle before game

Praying before a game

Returning home

A tired bunch of girls

  But still a silly bunch of girls!!!!

The kids wanted to welcome her home with signs on the doors

My All-American! I love you Julia and am so proud of you....and SO glad you are back! We all missed her soooo very much!


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