Friday, July 26, 2013

Babies are Beijing Bound!!!!!

We found out last night that the heart babies, Charlotte and Sarah, are headed to Beijing next week! 
They will be receiving care and surgery at New Hope, affiliated with Show Hope.

 A big huge shout out to Megan Konyn, who is only 18, for following her heart and not giving up on getting these babies the help they so needed.
 What an amazing girl she is! So blessed God placed her in my life!

Please continue to pray for these babies...for God to sustain them, for details to fall into place, for safe travel and uneventful is a long 8 hr train ride, for healing, for angels of God to be placed in their lives to love, nurture and care for them before, during and after surgery, for doctors' wisdom and steady hands, for complete healing and for adoption into a family where they can grow up into the people God created them to be.

I was giddy with joy last night! Tears, rejoicing and praising!
How great our God who holds these precious little ones in His mighty and loving hands!

We will most likely be trying to help with funds for their care. Any and all amounts will be welcomed!

God you are so great! You moved the mountains and we give thanks and praise!

Megan, Julia and I just "may" have to take a trip to Beijing to give some love to these girls! Oh gosh, someone please adopt them or I will....oh my!


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