Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 1 at the orphanage

Hard. Sad. Overwhelming. Hopelessness. Helplessness. All words that describe today. Hug your children a little tighter. Be thankful for the blessings you have.Thank God you are family. Then please pray for those that don't have family. The orphans. The children we were with today. They are real. Real kids without. Real kids with special needs, medical issues, needing life saving surgeries, needing most of all….. love. And hope. I prayed over them today. Little people with such sadness in their souls, who smile when you hold their hands….and then don't want to let go. It is such a BIG problem where do you start. You give what you can and God multiplies it. Please Lord let me love big and give big these next 2 weeks and please multiply my humble gift.


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