Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Progress and Praising God!

When we got to the orphanage after lunch the asst. brought a contract to us to read. It was from New Hope Foundation. Megan had emailed them the 2 heart babies info and the director's contact info. New Hope sent a contract to Chenzhou. They brought it to us to read. We said yes. Then within minutes they were whisking the 2 babies away to the hospital for tests. Praise Him Praise Him!!!!!!! Megan Julia and I hugged and sobbed in the hallway! Now just to let you know Megan is 18! She has been fighting for these heart babies here for quite some time. After learning about the death of one, she got the ball rolling at home and had her mom making all kinds of phone calls. God came through and these sweet girls are at the hospital getting "testing". So please continue to pray for them. The director seems very open to all of this. The orphanage pays nothing!!!! So the this a big plus! Lord continue to move mountains and do immeasurably more!!!!!!!! Praise HIm! Praise Him! Praise Him!!!!!!


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