Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy 15th Birthday Julia!

Julia celebrated her 15th birthday with 26 hours of travel. She had a 36 hour birthday because of the time difference. She also was in 3 different countries on her birthday, China, Japan and the USA. She noted that she also flew over Canada. We were so wiped out by the time we landed in Columbia at 5:15pm but the family was there to greet us with signs and all!What a fabulous welcome! Oh how I missed them!!!! We then headed to dinner to celebrate at a Mexican restaurant in Columbia. When we got home they had decorations, a cake-homemade, cards and gifts. Way to go Daddy and Sam!!!!

After this Julia and I crawled upstairs, showered and collapsed into bed! We had been up for 30 hours straight at this point. Happy to be home!

I love this first born of mine! What a blessing to be her mother. 15 years ago when I gave birth to this treasure, I would never have guessed I would celebrate her 15th birthday with her in China. What a splendid path He has led us down! Thank you Lord for Julia and all that she means to us. I can't wait to see what He has planned for her life. I know this trip was hard for her and alot to take in at just 14 but what an amazing experience He will use to shape her life. I am so proud of my daughter. She loved big and hard and rolled with the punches dealt us over the last 15 days. God bless my sweet girl! I love so very much!
******Please read below posts for more of Chenzhou!******


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