Monday, April 23, 2012

A weekend in Charlotte and LOTS of soccer

 Julia's team won the tournament for their age division thru hot sun on Sat and then cold, wind and rain on Sunday. They also got to play in a big stadium that was really cool! They were awesome!
 Julia getting her medal.
Sam's team played up an age division which meant they also played on a bigger field with longer halves and more guys. They got to play on some incredible artificial turf fields like the pros play on! They did really well and we were very proud of them!

The 3 "Littles", bless their sweet little hearts, hung in there thru it all and had a pretty good time too!

Will and I enjoyed watching them both play and spend time with their friends. They both have amazing coaches and great kids on their teams. We have loved this year with the Bulls. Jaida and Xin are asking to play....oh my! They have a Jr. Academy that is 1 day a week and 3 vs 3 games once a week. We may try that next season. Jaida wants to be goalie so she doesn't have to run and sweat.......


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