Sunday, April 29, 2012

South Carolina State Champs!!!!!!

What an amazing weekend! The U14 Bulls won the State Cup in Greenville SC and are the South Carolina State Champs! They now advance to regionals in Greensboro NC in June! What great playing by this group of girls! They played 4 games in 2 days and Sunday was 90 degrees. They won all 4 games to take home the trophy. What a fabulous group of girls and parents and coach. Julia came away exhausted, and with a little bit of a black eye, sore legs, sunburn and a big shiny winner's medal! The girls have worked so hard since last fall and become so close and it showed in their play. They fought hard, dug deep, gave it their all and never stopped believing they could do it! They had an awesome coach and we know we could not have done it without him!!! Thanks Hammer!!!! The neat thing was these girls took pens and wrote bible verses on the their arms and faces and prayed before these games.....they glorified Him with their character, courage and sportsmanship. So very proud. A true proud parent moment and very full Mama heart!!!!


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