Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Advocating for Mimi-$4,000 grant to help bring Mimi home!!

Please read what I have about this precious child on my site:

*Sweet Mimi is 13 years old and will age out in October. Please look at
that sweet face and read about this beautiful soul. *

*/Mimi is shy and sensitive but gets along well with others. She is fond
of listening to music and dancing, and can express herself clearly when
using words. She is post-op for clubbed feet and scoliosis. She
sometimes will have urinary incontinence. /*

*Please read what the Mom of her Mimi's best friend (E) wrote:*

*/She was E's best friend, protector and older sister all rolled into
one. The dress E is wearing in the picture is Mimi's dress that she let
E borrow (this is the last picture, you can see Mimi holding E's hand).
When we went to the Civil Affairs office to meet E, they gave us a photo
album and some other things. I noticed that many of the pictures were
of E and her friend. Since my older daughter and I both speak some
Mandarin, we were able to understand E right away and she spoke about
her friendship with Mimi and has often asked if she has a mom yet.
Based on what E has told me, Mimi would probably adapt well to a family
and I do know that she wants to be adopted. When Great Wall found her
for me, she was asked whether she wanted to be adopted and she said
yes. I also think her medical SN would be manageable, especially if her
family lived near one of the Shriners hospitals. A child Mimi's age
would also need someone who would be dedicated in helping her learn
English and give her a great deal of academic support for several years./*

*Please read the story that this mom wrote about her daughter and sweet

* *

*She sounds like such a sweet child. Please email me at or to see her sweet
face and to learn more about this precious child. I can also get you in
touch with the family who adopted Mimi's best friend!!! It breaks my
heart that she still waits after her dear friend found her family! *

I pray this child's family finds her! She deserves to now be the
protected one!!!!



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