Friday, April 13, 2012

The cutest pink "boots" I have ever seen!

Surgery today went well! And Miss Lulu is now sporting some.......SHORT casts!!!!! Yahooooo! They are just below her knee and look like little pink Ugg boots! They are so little and cute!!!! I can actually feel her sweet little legs again too. She was very uncomfortable and grumpy today and slept most of the day. Don't know what that will do for tonight but I had to let her...she was miserable! So these casts will stay on for 3 weeks and then he will check them and go from there. We think once the pain subsides and she gets her legs used to being free she will start to walk. Was planning on posting a picture of those cute little legs but she was having no part of that today..sorry. Maybe tomorrow. Praising God that our little firecracker made it through with flying colors and shorter casts. To Him be the glory!!!!


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