Thursday, April 5, 2012

Two Months Home

A happy joyful baby
Who loves her 2nd Mama...big sister Julia
Loves to play with Jaida...although a little jealous of her
Adores her BIG brother Sam and looks for him when she can't see him
She thinks Xin is so much fun and crawls on him when she wants to play
Had a reunion at the zoo with her Hunan/Changsha travel mate Leiney Grace this week. It was so good to see that beautiful girl again with her brand new heart. Loved seeing Jan also and meeting 4 of her 8 kiddos! God blessed us with this sweet family as travel mates who live an hour away!!!

It is so hard to believe this baby has only been home 2 months.The changes she has been through...oh my! And oh how we love this precious child! She is so adaptable and has handled all the changes unbelievably well. She LOVES her family and must be part of the action at all times. I can't imagine our life without her! We know people doubted our choice to adopt again and thought it was too much. Yes, 5 kids is a lot. Yes, there are exhausting days. The casting has not been easy but in the grand scheme of things....not a big deal!To look at her filled with happiness and watch her soak up her new life, fills my heart. She has brought us such joy and filled our home with her sweet baby-ness. She has inspired us with her determination to overcome her physical limitations....what limitations??? This little girl will accomplish anything in life she sets her mind too. Thank you Lord for blessing her with this gift. Thank you Lord for blessing us with her. Thank you for calling us to step out in faith for Louisa. Thank you for the numerous ways you have showed us your faithfulness on the journey to her and with her. It is a joy to be her Mother! She is just perfect for us! He knew that...all we had to do was trust and obey. Happy 2 months home Louisa. I love you with all my heart!


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